Delimiter settings

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The section defines what text and characters are used withing templates as variable and template delimiters. Other special characters are also defined here.

Delimiter characters options:

Ignore-Character - Specifies a character that can be used as a prefix to any Gen IT added comments. e.g. Cisco uses a ‘!‘ character.

Exclude-Character - Any cell starting with this character indicates to Gen IT to add this line as-is to the generated output. No variable replacement is done.

Variable Delimiter – Demarcates the left and right side of a variable.

Highlight Delimiter – Demarcates the left and right side of a text formatting variables.

Compound Template Delimiter – Demarcates the left and right side of a compound or Include Statement.

IP Variable Delimiter- Demarcates the left and right side of a IP Variables.

Compound Template (Internal) Delimiter – Defines a variable that is used internally within Gen IT during CT processing.