Understanding device and data definitions

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The basic relationship between fields on the Device tab is shown in the image below.

Field descriptions:

ID - Unique ID used to link data from each tab together. ID numbers must match across all Device and Data tabs.

DN / Device name - One or more may be defined per ID.

DR / Device RAW - Indicates no Gen.IT formatting is added to the generated configuration.

DF / Device filename - Filename to use when saving the configuration.

DA / Device append - Indicates configurations being saved will be appended to existing configuration file is any.

LF / LineFeed - Indicates configurations being saved will use LF instead of CRLF characters (Text output only).

DT / Device template - One or more may be defined per DN. The name of the template associated with the device.

The basic relationship between fields on the Template tabs is shown in the image below.

Field descriptions:

Template - The name of the template. Defined on row/column 1 as 'T:XXXX'. All other text in the same row/column is treated as part of the template.

Variables - Variables add to the template.

Predefined variables - Predefined variables add to the template.

Compound templates - Compound template definitions add to the template.

Include statements - Include statement definitions add to the template.

Text formatting - Text formatting add to the template.

The basic relationship between fields on the Data tabs is shown in the image below.

Field descriptions:

ID - Unique ID used to link data from each tab together. ID numbers must match across all Device and Data tabs.

Variables - The name of the variable. Defined on row/column 1 as 'DD:XXXX'.

ID Code - A unique text name to identify the ID. Defined on row/column 1 as 'DD:XXXX'. Selected as List Tag in the XLS settings.

3 x Descriptions - Up to thre description fields to use as a description for the ID. Defined on row/column 1 as 'DD:XXXX'. Selected as Description in the XLS settings.

Category - A text name to group the ID's. Defined on row/column 1 as 'DD:XXXX'. Selected as Category in the XLS settings.