The general format of the compound template statement is as below:


AAA – The name of the template to be repeated, formatted as ‘T:TemplateName’

BBB – The number of times to repeat the template, formatted as a integer from 0 to 1000. If BBB is defined as a data variable, a variable look-up is done to determine this value.

CCC – The number of variables to iterate within the template, formatted as a integer from 0 to 20.

(Variables) – Zero or more variable definitions, formatted as a ‘VVV,WWW,XXX,YYY,ZZZ’, defined as below.

The format of the compound template 'Variables' are as below:


VVV – The name of the variable within the compound template to be replaced by a value, formatted as a standard variable including left and right delimiters

WWW – The starting value to be used during variable replacement, formatted as an integer. If WWW is defined as a data variable, a variable look-up is done to determine this value.

XXX – The value by which WWW is incremented on each iteration, formatted as a integer.

YYY – This value indicates how often to increment value WWW, formatted as a integer.

ZZZ – The maximum value WWW may reach before being reset back to it’s starting value, formatted as a integer.

The variable portion must be repeated according to the number of variables defined by CCC.

Please have a look at the example files provided as part of the installation as these show practical use of the available features.

Integer Variable Examples

Example 1, Repeat a template 47 times while incrementing 1 variables:


T:TemplateToRepeat – Compound Template Name to be repeated.

47 – Number of times to repeat the template.

1 – Number of variables within the template to increment.

<<IncVar>> – The variable within the compound template to increment.

1 – Variable starting value.

2 – Increment by this amount.

3 – Increment every third iteration.

-1 – Maximum variable value before resetting to the starting value.

Example 2, Repeat a template <<RepeatCount>> times while incrementing 1 variables:


T:TemplateToRepeat – Compound Template Name to be repeated.

<<RepeatCount>> – Data variable to look up which defines the number of times to repeat the template.

1 – Number of variables within the template to increment.

<<PortNum>> – The variable within the compound template to increment.

1 – Variable starting value.

2 – Increment by this amount.

3 – Increment every x count.

-1 – Maximum variable value before resetting to the starting value.

Example 3, Repeat a template 47 times while incrementing 1 variables:


T:TemplateToRepeat – Compound Template Name to be repeated.

47 – Number of times to repeat the template.

1 – Number of variables within the template to increment.

<<PortNum>> – The variable within the compound template to increment.

<<VarStart>> – Data variable to look up which defines the variable starting value.

<<VarIncVal>> – Data variable to look up which defines the increment amount.

<<VarIncInt>> – Data variable to look up which defines the increment iteration count.

<<ResetVal>> – Data variable to look up which defines the maximum variable value before resetting to the starting value.