Gen.IT can be started directly, from cli or by using a shortcut. The following startup parameters are supported:

/ctlog=<0 to 1> - Start with extended statement logging enabled

/shcit=<0 to 1> - Start with show compound/include templates found enabled

/DataFolderHere - Sets the default data folder to be in the application folder. Overrides GUI setting.

/LogFolderHere - Sets the default log folder to be in the application folder instead of the folder C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Gen.IT\logs.

/debug=<0 to xx> - Enabled debugging, this can also be enabled here.

0  - Debug Disabled

1  - Debug All

/TIMER - Debugging option. Logs timer events.

Take note: Some logging may slow down the loading or processing of templates!.


For backward compatibility reasons (Pre Gen.IT 2.7), or possibly when running Gen.IT from a network drive, place a file called 'DataFolderHere.ini' in the same folder as the .exe file. This will ensure Gen.IT primarily looks in the folder where the .exe is located for data files. This will cause the user selected default path setting to be ignored and disabled.